A Joint Program of the Centre for the Legal Profession & the Toronto Lawyers Association
This program focuses on three “hot” professionalism issues. Our diverse, dynamic presenters share their views and invite questions and comments from the audience in each of the three sessions.
Professionalism Content: 3 hours
Stephen Mullings, Dutton Brock LLP & Toronto Lawyer’s Association Prof. Anita Anand, UofT Faculty of Law & Centre for the Legal Profession
Presenter: Dan Pinnington, Vice President Claims Prevention and Stakeholder Relations, Lawyers' Professional Indemnity Company (LAWPRO®)
In this fast-paced session, LAWPRO's Dan Pinnington will share his best tips and strategies for improving client service, managing your practice, improving your finances, doing more with technology, using social media, avoiding being duped by fraudsters and lowering your risk of a malpractice claim.
This debate style presentation promises to be energetic and enlighting. Do our professional obligations require lawyers to advise their clients not only on what is legal, but also what is ethical or what is right? Should we consider ourselves the moral conscience of our clients? Four leading professionals will debate this interesting question and open the floor to comments and questions from the audience.
This session will explore what our professional obligations are to our clients – should we advise them not only of what is legal, but also what is ethical and what is right? What guidance do we take from the Rules of Professional Conduct (particularly 1.03 Standards of the Legal Profession, 4.01 Lawyer as Advocate, 6.01 Integrity of the Profession) the spirit of the Rules generally, and the traditions of the profession. Debaters: Noel Semple, Uof T Faculty of Law and Centre for the Legal Profession Lee Akazaki, Gilbertson Davis Emerson LLP TBA
The Honourable Robert P. Armstrong, Arbitration Place and former Judge of the Ontario Court of Appeal, will discuss judicial activism and what it means, both in Canada and in other jurisdictions. What is the ethical role of the judge? What are the ethical and professional obligations of counsel as advocate in the courtroom vis a vis the judge? There will be an opportunity for questions and comments from the audience.
This session will consider the professional and ethical obligations of judges and counsel in the courtroom. Will include discussion of what the ethical role of the judge is and should be from a comparative view and will look at counsel’s professional obligations as advocate in presenting a case to the court (Rules 4.01 Lawyer as Advocate, 4.06 Encouraging Respect for the Administration of Justice, and Rule 6 Integrity, courtesy and good faith).