Have “admin” access? Admin access allows a librarian to choose and play any, and all, videos on the site for free. If you need “admin” access, email cpd@cpdonline.ca. This is a free librarian only feature.
Two options to show videos to groups in your library:
Subscribers (most popular)
Pay as you go
1. Subscribers
When members are CPDonline subscribers ($699.00 for an unlimited access subscription), it’s very easy to show videos. All that’s required of you is to
Login and choose the video by clicking on it
Enter the email addresses of each viewer in the box below the video
Click play
You’re done!
Proof of Attendance emails are automatically sent to each viewer.
Handouts and speaker papers are automatically made available in the viewer’s CPDonline account
Learn more about showing videos to subscribers here:
2. Pay as you go: Overview
Choose and show video(s) to group. If you need the video file because of a slow internet connection, please request the video file.
Distribute "Confirmation of Attendance” to each attendee
Report the viewing - include the video title and list of attendee names (email addresses if they so choose).
We’ll send you an invoice.
Price List
Group Video Viewing
Video Length
Price $
1 hour or longer:
25.00 per attendee
45 minutes:
20.00 per attendee
30 minutes:
15.00 per attendee
Handouts (if available) are included in the price.
Note: The price is per video per attendee per session.
CPDonline.ca Video Access Instructions
Sign Up (create an account), or Login if you already have an account.
We’ll invoice you based on video viewed and number of attendees.
Videos with Handouts
Handouts are included in the cost.
Option A: Librarian prints and copies the handout for attendees from the video page.
Option B*: Lawyers can print handout themselves when video is made available to them after the group viewing.
*When we receive the lawyer’s email address we’ll create an account for him/her on the site. Each lawyer will be emailed instructions and a temporary password to access the video they’ve viewed at your library. The lawyers can re-watch the video and print available handouts.