How to Work Effectively With Your Damages Expert | - Ivy Tse
- Sahar Cadili
- Kaleigh Du Vernet
- Tom Hawkins
| | 55 minutes | $209.00 | |
The Why of Wellness; Forging Physical Wellness | | | 50 minutes | $209.00 | |
Optimizing your Environment for Wellness | | | 30 minutes | $139.00 | |
Managing and Mentoring for Wellness | - Laura M. Gurr
- Yola Ventresca
- Jacob Damstra
| | 75 minutes | $349.00 | |
Maintaining Mental and Emotional Well-Being; LSO MAP | - Arlene MacDougall
- Dr. Thomas Telfer
| | 30 minutes | $139.00 | |
You Can’t Make Me Choose: Yatar v TD Insurance Meloche Monexx LLP; The Dirt On Contractual Interpretation: Earthco Soil Mixtures Inc. v. Pine Valley Enterprise Inc. | | | 30 minutes | $139.00 | |
Top 10 Ethical Pitfalls; The Difference Between Credibility and Reliability | - Jean-François Laberge
- Justice Owen Rees
| | 35 minutes | $139.00 | |
The Professionalism Panel: Civility, Transparency and Access to Justice | - Tina Hill
- Sean Bawden
- Douglas Judson
- Mitchell Kitigawa
- Kathryn J. Manning
- Corey Willard
| | 1 hour | $279.00 | |
Civil Litigation Updated: Six Under Six | | | 35 minutes | $139.00 | |
Privilege: Peeling The Onion | | | 35 minutes | $279.00 | |
Doin’ It Right: IMEs; I Wish I Had Known Sooner: Limitations And Threshold; Who Goes First? Excess Insurance; Taken For A Ride- ATVs And Standard Of Care; I Took A Left Turn, But I Was Right; The Damages Panel | - Matthew Sherman
- Tara Lemke
- Robert Murphy
- Éliane Lachaîne
- Jaye Hooper
- Justice Pierre Roger
- Marc Smith
| | 65 minutes | $279.00 | |
Space Invaders: Managing A Cyber Attack | | | 35 minutes | $139.00 | |
Hryniak A Decade After That Summary Judgement Case; Vexatious Litigant Landscape; Mastering Pierringer Agreements in Litigation | - Jessica Fullerton
- Sylvia Corthorn
- Jennifer Therrien
| | 45 minutes | $209.00 | |
EDI in an AI World: Evaluating AI Tools Through an EDI Lens; Mandatory Disclosure Rules | | | 35 minutes | $139.00 | |
Employment Panel: OHSA At The SCC: R. v. Greater Sudbury; The SCC Addresses Workplace Privacy Rights; Frustration And COVID policy; Termination Clauses Under Scrutiny | | | 50 minutes | $209.00 | |
Hold Up! Restraining Assets During Litigation; All Good Things Must End: Wind-ups; Choosing Wisely: Arbitration Appeals | | | 55 minutes | $209.00 | |
Minority Report: Oppression, Derivative Actions and Remedies; Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes: The Competition Act | | | 45 minutes | $209.00 | |
Civil Secrets from the AJs; Coffee with Justice Michelle O'Bonsawin; Playing Peekaboo: Confidentiality, Relevance, and Redaction | - Justice Michelle O'Bonsawin
- Master Marie Fortier
- Karen Perron
- Jennifer Ng
| | 1 hour | $279.00 | |
Building a Better (Trial) Binder | - Susanne Sviergula
- Justice Charles Hackland
- Master Alexandre Kaufman
- Brenda Hollingsworth
| | 105 minutes | $349.00 | |
Real Estate Deals Gone Bad | | | 30 minutes | $139.00 | |
Legal Requirements for Site Property Owners and Developers | | | 30 minutes | $139.00 | |
A Regional Market Update; What are Lawyers Being Disciplined For | | | 50 minutes | $209.00 | |
Updates, Changes, and Recommendations on Real Estate | | | 45 minutes | $209.00 | |
Top 10 Tips for Lawyers to Reduce Litigation Risks of Wills; Cases Under 21.1 | - Lou-Anne Farrell
- Danielle Simard
| | 40 minutes | $139.00 | |
Review of Cases in CA and Courts in 2024 | | | 30 minutes | $139.00 | |
Filing an Application for a Certificate of Appointment; Panel Discussion: Estates | - The Honourable Justice Martha Cook
- Gwen Spaulding
| | 45 minutes | $209.00 | |
Factors for Trustee Decisions; Gefen Estates v Gefem 2022 ONCA 174; Medical Record Reviews in Litigation | - Ian Wright
- Conor Culverhouse
- Dr. Paul Ferner
| | 55 minutes | $209.00 | |
How to Support Your Neurodivergent Colleagues | | | 1 hour | $279.00 | |
The Intersection of Family Law and Criminal Law | - Shira Brass
- Cedric Nahum
- Kimberley Pegg
| | 30 minutes | $139.00 | |
Ontario Review Board (ORB) Hearings | - Lauren Konarowski
- Michael Davies
| | 30 minutes | $139.00 | |
Forfeiture in Many Forms | - Jon Doody
- Genevieve McInnes
- Stephanie DiGiuseppe
| | 1 hour | $279.00 | |
Criminal Law Conference: Seven Under Seven | - Vincent Clifford
- Ariya Sheivari
- Nemee Bedar
- Jeylan Davies
- Audrey Dupras
- Josh Morency
- Amy Murchison
- Terry Riche
- Nick Valsamis
| | 40 minutes | $139.00 | |
Enhanced Pre-Sentence Reports (EPSRs) | - Cassandra Richards
- Emily Lam
- Micheal Ndiom
- Camisha Sibblis
| - Prof: 0.25
- Sub: 0.25
- EDI: 0.25
| 55 minutes | $209.00 | |
Forensic Science: Toxicology and DNA | - Cassandra Richards
- Valerie Blackmore
- Betty Chow
| | 30 minutes | $139.00 | |
Bail Panel | - Ewan Lyttle
- Boris Bytensky
- Leo Russomanno
- Matthew Humphreys
| | 45 minutes | $209.00 | |
Calling your Client in Sexual Assault Cases | - Kim Hyslop
- Paolo Giancaterino
- Karin Stein
| | 50 minutes | $209.00 | |
Impaired Panel | - Jon Fuller
- Connie D’Angelo
- James McGillivary
| | 50 minutes | $209.00 | |
Charter Update: New Case Law on Sections 8, 9 & 10 | - Jon Doody
- Mark Ertel
- Justice Deborah Kinsella
| | 30 minutes | $139.00 | |
Everybody Loses: The Canadian Sexual Assault Trial | | | 1 hour | $279.00 | |
Mortgage Fraud Litigation Professional Ethics and Liability in One Case & Title Insurance Coverage | | | 55 minutes | $209.00 | |
Social Engineering and Fraud Claims Overview File Retention NOSI Ban and Changes | | | 40 minutes | $209.00 | |
Section 8: The Interest Act and the Three-Month Provision in the Mortgages Act | | | 30 minutes | $139.00 | |
Recent Land Titles Act Bulletins: A Guide to Registration of Vesting Orders and Other Updates | | | 35 minutes | $139.00 | |
Foreclosures Power of Sales Super Priorities Judicial Sales and Other Mortgage Remedies | | | 50 minutes | $209.00 | |
Family Mediation of Financial Issues: Property & Support | | | 50 minutes | $209.00 | |
Family Law and Real Estate Issues | | | 35 minutes | $139.00 | |
Anti-Money Laundering in Real Estate and Beyond | | | 35 minutes | $139.00 | |
Top 6 in 60: The 6 Recent Cases from the SCC You Must Know | - Earl A. Cherniak
- Ian Kasper
| | 65 minutes | $279.00 | |
To Equalize or Not to Equalize: The Complex World of Trusts and Family Law | - Doreen So
- Stephanie Gabor
- Jen-Yii Liew
- Brigitte Barsalou
| | 45 minutes | $209.00 | |
Effective Use of Experts in Litigation | - Sonya Pfeiffer
- David Rudolf
| | 70 minutes | $279.00 | |