Dealing with Difficult Personalities in Family Law |

Dealing with Difficult Personalities in Family Law

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Professionalism (Ethics, etc.): 0.5
30 minutes
Substantive: 0.25
15 minutes
Ronan Blake
Andrea Camacho
Laura Pilon
Kellie Stewart
County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA)
45 minutes
$109.00 plus tax
33rd Annual Institute of Family Law

Andrea Camacho, Ronan Blake, Laura Pilon, and Kellie Stewart present strategies for handling challenging personalities in family law. The practice of family law is very difficult as it brings out all kinds of difficult personalities. This panel is composed of all levels of experienced family lawyers. The topic will touch on how as lawyers we can deal with difficult personalities in family law, including our own client’s, opposing client’s, opposing counsel and difficulties in the courtroom. This topic will touch upon ethical and professional responsibility, client service and ethical advocacy including: 

1.4 Duty to act in good faith and avoid sharp practice 

1.6 Duties related to advocacy 

1.9 Duty to report a lawyer misconduct to the Law Society 

1.15 Required conduct of lawyers arising from statute and legislation 

1.16 Best practices for analyzing ethical dilemmas 

2.4 Recognising and being sensitive to clients’ circumstances 

2.5 Managing difficult clients 

2.12 Managing client expectations 

2.14 Dealing effectively with unrepresented persons. 

4.1 Practicing with civility in the courtroom and the boardroom 

4.2 Treating the court, opposing counsel, parties and others with courtesy and respect 

4.3 Refraining from sharp practice


Ronan Blake

Ronan Blake is the founder of RPB Family Law and dedicates his practice to exclusively family law matters to be able to best serve his clients’ needs. Whether your matter is in court or out of court, Ronan can help. If your matter is contentious and requires litigation, Ronan is an experienced family law trial and arbitration lawyer. If it is more amicable, then Ronan is equally capable to assist with outside of court mediated and negotiated agreements. Our founder is well-versed in dealing with complex financial matters, including family businesses and corporations, and has developed working relationships with leading local experts to help clients reach their best possible outcome. Ronan was raised in Ottawa and completed all his schooling here, attending both Carleton University and the University of Ottawa.

Andrea Camacho

Andrea Camacho has practiced Family Law exclusively since she was called to the Bar in 1987. She was a partner at a national law firm in Ottawa for 14 years prior to establishing Warren Camacho LLP with her husband, Ian Warren. Andrea has extensive experience in all areas of Family Law, including, separation agreements, marriage contracts, cohabitation agreements, divorce, custody, child and spousal support and complex property matters. Andrea enjoys teaching Family Law and has been an instructor in the Bar Admission Course and a guest lecturer at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law.

Laura Pilon

Laura Pilon has been practicing as a lawyer in family law since her call to the Bar in June 2017. Laura has worked at two small firms throughout her career. There she was able to expand her knowledge of family law and gain experience in both family law litigation and mediation. Laura believes in tailoring her approach to her client’s needs. She strongly supports alternative dispute resolution methods but understands that court can be necessary. She represents her clients with all her expertise and zeal both in and out of the courtroom. Laura has training in both mediation and collaborative family law. She can provide services as a mediator or provide independent legal advice to those who have mediated and reached an agreement.

Kellie Stewart

Kellie Stewart graduated in Honours English and Commerce from Wilfred Laurier University. She later completed her law degree at Queens University Faculty of Law. After her call to the bar, Kellie went on to become a lawyer focusing on litigation in the areas of family law, personal injury, breach of contract, and general litigation. She regularly appears before the Superior Court of Justice and the Court of Appeal. Kellie has also appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada with prominent litigator William J. Sammon, now retired. She is recognized for providing exceptional legal services in a cost-effective manner. Kellie excels at oral advocacy and has over twenty years of practice with Barnes, Sammon LLP. She gives back to the up-and-coming lawyers through her involvement with the Advocate’s Society as an instructor.


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