Sobering Thoughts: A Healthy Relationship with Alcohol |

Sobering Thoughts: A Healthy Relationship with Alcohol

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Professionalism (Ethics, etc.): 0.5
30 minutes
Substantive: 0.0
5 minutes
Doron Gold
County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA)
35 minutes
$139.00 plus tax
2023 Civil Litigation Updated Conference

Mr. Gold will speak about the impact of alcohol on the members of the profession, how to approach colleagues with whom you may have concerns and how to be self-aware when it comes to alcohol and its impact on life. He also discusses work/life balance and wellness principles for lawyers.


Doron Gold

Doron Gold is a Staff Clinician at Homewood Health, the provider of the Ontario legal profession's Member Assistance Program. He is a Registered Social Worker, Certified Professional Coach and psychotherapist, as well as having previously practiced law for 10 years, primarily as a family and civil litigator. Prior to working at Homewood Health, Doron spent almost 7 years working at the Ontario Lawyers’ Assistance Program (OLAP). Doron assists lawyers, paralegals, law students, judges and their immediate family members with personal and professional issues such as addiction, depression, anxiety and career stress. Doron’s role at Homewood Health includes psychotherapy with clients, assisting with the ongoing management of Homewood’s peer volunteer program as well as providing workshops and presentations to various groups in the community. Doron has written and been quoted extensively in publications such as Lawyers’ Weekly, Law Times, Canadian Lawyer and LawPro Magazine on various topics related to lawyer distress and wellness. As well, Doron writes a regular bi-monthly “Lawyer Therapist” column in Law Times. Doron has been asked to speak to various groups throughout Ontario on topics as varied as Work-Life Balance, Lawyer Stress 101, Retirement, Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue. He is the co-author of the Canadian Bar Association’s “Mental Health and Wellness in the Legal Profession” online course and is the recipient of the 2016 CBA Wellness Forum Award of Excellence.