Rarely Black & White: It’s All About the Greys When Child Protection Meets Family Law | CPDonline.ca

Rarely Black & White: It’s All About the Greys When Child Protection Meets Family Law

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Professionalism (Ethics, etc.): 0.25
15 minutes
Substantive: 0.25
15 minutes
Vasu Naik
County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA)
30 minutes
$99.00 plus tax
33rd Annual Institute of Family Law

Vasu Naik presents “Rarely Black & White: It’s All About the Greys When Child Protection Meets Family Law.” Ms. Naik is a lawyer who practices in family law and child protection matters. Her presentation will touch upon the intersection of child protection issues in family law matters. This presentation will touch upon a variety of professional issues including: 

1.4 Duty to act in good faith 

1.6 Duties related to advocacy 

2.4 Recognizing and being sensitive to clients’ circumstances 

2.5 Managing difficult clients 

2.14 Dealing effectively with unrepresented persons 

4.1 Practising with civility in the courtroom and the boardroom 

4.2 Treating the court, tribunal, opposing counsel, parties and others with courtesy and respect.


Vasu Naik

Vasu Naik is a founding partner of Robins Naik LLP. She practices in the areas of child protection, family law, adoption and as Section 3 counsel in matters involving the Substitute Decisions Act. Vasu appears regularly before the Superior Court of Justice in child protection and family matters where she has successfully represented parents, extended family members, foster parents, adoptive parents, children and persons whose capacity has been challenged. Vasu has assisted the Court in her role as Amicus Curie in complex child protection litigation. She has also had the opportunity to appear as counsel for Intervenors, Canadian Civil Liberties Association in the Ontario Court of Appeal relating to privacy rights and charter rights of caregivers and children involved with child welfare agencies. Vasu is also an Adoption Licensee and works with both birth parents and prospective adoptive parents toward formalising private adoption in Ontario.


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