The Appellate Function; Time to Get a Move On: A Limitations Update; Stop & Stay Where you Are: Stays of Proceedings |

The Appellate Function; Time to Get a Move On: A Limitations Update; Stop & Stay Where you Are: Stays of Proceedings

Paula Puddy, HBA LLB MBA

The County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA) hosts this three-part program, featuring the Honourable Justice Malcolm Rowe, Erin Durant, Devan Marr, and Michael Wade. 

Justice Malcolm Rowe discusses what trial lawyers need to know about appeals, emphasizing the importance of clarity, structure, and thoroughness in preparing for trial and appeals. He advises linking evidence to findings of fact and legal tests, and providing clear arguments for remedies and orders sought.

Erin Durant and Devan Marr cover limitation issues and how they are handled by LawPro counsel. Devan Marr identifies pitfalls and addresses how to avoid claims against lawyers due to limitation periods. Erin Durant explains the appropriate means test and how it applies in different circumstances, including potential extensions of limitation periods.

Michael Wade discusses stays of proceedings, explaining what they are, and when they apply. He details the legal test required to obtain a stay, and how to go about lifting a stay, including the factors considered by the court in deciding whether to lift it.

The Appellate Function; Time to Get a Move On: A Limitations Update; Stop and Stay Where you Are: Stays of Proceedings

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