How To Use Arbitration in the Face of Court Delays To Save Your Clients Time, Money And Headaches In Any Dispute |

How To Use Arbitration in the Face of Court Delays To Save Your Clients Time, Money And Headaches In Any Dispute

Paula Puddy, HBA LLB MBA

The Toronto Lawyers Association (TLA) hosts this program, featuring Eric Morgan, on the benefits of arbitration in resolving commercial disputes amidst court delays. 

Eric Morgan stresses the importance of using arbitration effectively, both as a full resolution process and for specific parts of a dispute, even after court proceedings have begun. He addresses the rules of professional conduct during arbitrator interviews and the risks of ex-parte communications, issue bias, and conflicts of interest. The presenter covers key topics, including the ethical aspects of arbitration, such as arbitrator conflicts, independence, and diversity in arbitrator selection. 

By considering situations where arbitration can be a  more efficient alternative to court, legal professionals can better serve their clients in resolving disputes cost-effectively. Eric Morgan provides practical steps for successful arbitration, including mindful communication with the arbitrator and preparing a detailed briefing note in advance, covering aspects like party and counsel identities, appointed arbitrators, procedural rules, and other specific requirements. 

How To Use Arbitration in the Face of Court Delays To Save Your Clients Time, Money And Headaches In Any Dispute

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