2SLGBTQ+ Creating Positive Space | CPDonline.ca

2SLGBTQ+ Creating Positive Space

Paula Puddy, HBA LLB MBA

Have you considered any proactive ways to include and support the 2SLGBTQ+ community in areas where you have influence and authority?

In this MLA presentation (eligible for EDI credit), Deirdre Pike focuses on creating a positive, and inclusive space, at the firm, in the courtroom, and beyond for the queer community. She shares her knowledge and stories, and explains many terms to improve the audience’s understanding of the challenges faced by this community and how we become an ally or friend.

After watching this program, participants will have an increased awareness of both subtle and overt forms of heterosexism, homophobia, cissexism and transphobia, while exploring what it means to live from an anti-oppression framework.

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