Wills & Estates: A Dash of Estate Planning: Selected Estate Planning Issues for Non-Estates Practitioners | CPDonline.ca

Wills and Estates: A Dash of Estate Planning: Selected Estate Planning Issues for Non-Estates Practitioners

Wills and Estates: A Dash of Estate Planning: Selected Estate Planning Issues for Non-Estates Practitioners

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Professionalism (Ethics, etc.): 0.25
15 minutes
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15 minutes
Darren Lund
Frontenac Law Association (FLA)
30 minutes
$139.00 plus tax
Includes Handouts

Darren Lund presents Wills and Estates: A Dash of Estate Planning: Selected Estate Planning Issues for Non-Estates Practitioners.


Darren Lund

Darren Lund’s practice is focused on a range of estate planning, estate administration, and private client service matters. Darren regularly assists clients with complex multiple will planning, family trusts, alter ego and joint partner trusts, marriage contracts and cohabitation agreements, estate freezes, charitable gift and tax planning, planning for disabilities, cross-border planning, powers of attorney, and estate planning aspects of assisted reproduction and posthumous conception.

Darren’s experience also extends to estate administration matters, both contentious and non-contentious, where he advises trustees, beneficiaries, and attorneys acting under a power of attorney. He assists with such matters as probate matters, passing of fiduciary accounts, trust variations, post-mortem tax planning, and the administration of complex estates.

Darren speaks and writes on a variety of topics including estate planning for spouses and couples, effective use of trusts, will drafting, charitable giving, family law matters in estate planning and administration, estate planning for persons with disabilities, assisted reproduction, and posthumous conception. He previously practised estates law at a large national law firm.

Darren’s expertise has been recognized by Best Lawyers in Canada.