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Login to watch this video if you have a subscription. Learn more about subscriptions.Eli Udell and Crystal O'Donnell discuss the following topics:
Crystal is the founder and CEO of Heuristica Discovery Counsel LLP. Crystal has a diverse and relevant professional history. She has extensive experience as litigation and e-discovery counsel, having practised with a leading litigation firm and the Ministry of the Attorney General (Ontario). Crystal has represented clients in a number of complex matters at all levels of the Ontario courts as well as in regulatory proceedings and investigations. Crystal’s range of expertise includes legal, strategic, and software aspects of e-discovery, which are critical components of all legal and evidence-based proceedings. She also has experience with cross-border and conflicts of laws issues which arise in multi-jurisdiction and multi-forum matters. Crystal’s years of experience as litigation counsel have afforded her a keen appreciation and understanding of clients’ needs and allows her to deliver defensible, proportionate and cost-effective legal advice and solutions. Crystal was recently elected as a Council member of the OBA, and she is currently the Chair of a Uniform Law Conference of Canada (ULCC) Working Group, Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors, CanLII, Steering Committee member of Working Group 7, of the Sedona Conference (Sedona Canada); Member and past Vice-Chair of the Ontario E-Discovery Implementation Committee, (“EIC”).
Eli Udell is known for his constructive advice and personal attention to clients. Called to the Ontario Bar in 2007, he is highly adept in a range of areas, including freehold and condominium land development, commercial financing and acquisitions, and a broad spectrum of real estate transactions. He is skilled in investigating the issue and finding timely solutions. Originally from Windsor, Ontario, Eli is sharply focused on his practice and maximizing efficiencies at Merovitz Potechin LLP by adopting new technology. He is a devoted husband and father who supports a range of charities in Ottawa, including The United Way and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.