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Login to watch this video if you have a subscription. Learn more about subscriptions.Panelists will review the practical advocacy involved in conducting a hearing before the Ontario Review Board, all the while balancing the demands and peculiarities of a client struggling with mental illness.
Michael has been practicing criminal law, both trials and appeals, since his call to the bar in 1995. Michael is a leading lawyer on mental health law. He regularly appears before the Ontario Review Board and the Consent and Capacity Board. He is frequently appointed as amicus curiae (friend of the court) by the Ontario Court of Appeal in cases involving individuals with mental disorders. Michael graduated from the University of Western Ontario Law School in 1993. He subsequently earned an LL.M. from Queen’s University Law School focusing on remedies to Charter violations in criminal cases. Prior to entering law school he earned a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of Wales. Michael has been an Ottawa Area Director for the Ontario Criminal Lawyers’ Association. He has taught at Carleton University and has previously taught at the law, medical and nursing schools of Ottawa University.