Family Orders & Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act; Social Engineering |

Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act; Social Engineering

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Substantive: 0.75
45 minutes
Annick Boulay
Safiyya Vankalwala
Andina van Isschot
County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA)
45 minutes
$109.00 plus tax
33rd Annual Institute of Family Law
Includes Handouts

Annick Boulay and Andina Van Isschot discuss the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. Safiyya Vankalwala presents a session on social engineering.


Annick Boulay

Annick Boulay is Counsel with the Family Law and Youth Justice Policy Section at the Department of Justice Canada. Ms. Boulay is a graduate of the University of Ottawa with a degree in Civil Law and is a member of the Barreau du Québec.Throughout her career at Justice Canada Ms. Boulay has been closely involved in the development of federal legislative, regulatory and policy initiatives respecting family maintenance, including recent changes to federal family enforcement legislation introduced by former Bill C-78. For over 10 years, Ms. Boulay has co-chaired a Federal-Provincial and Territorial Task Group and led negotiations on information sharing agreements between federal departments and between the federal government and provincial and territorial governments. Ms. Boulay is the lead counsel on matters related to the release of federal information and the garnishment of federal funds and federal employee’s wages under federal family enforcement legislation.


Andina van Isschot

Andina van Isschot is Legal Counsel with the Family Law and Youth Justice Section at the Department of Justice Canada. Ms. van Isschot is a graduate of McGill University with degrees in Common and Civil Law and a member of the Law Society of Ontario. She has an M.A. in International Development Studies, with a focus on gender and development. For over 10 years Ms. van Isschot has co-chaired Federal-Provincial-Territorial Sub-committees dealing with the reciprocal enforcement of family support orders in Canada and internationally. In 2007, she participated in The Hague Diplomatic Session on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance as a member of the Delegation of Canada.

Safiyya Vankalwala

Safiyya is Communications Counsel at LAWPRO, focusing on risk management, including monitoring changes in the law and claim trends as well as developing and delivering practical resources to lawyers across Ontario. Prior to joining LAWPRO, Safiyya worked at a fintech company in strategic planning and legal technology development. She spent 15 years practicing law, has an undergraduate degree in Political Science and Law & Society from York University and her LL.B. is from the University of Ottawa. Safiyya was called to the Ontario Bar in 2007. Safiyya is co-author of a book focusing on legal considerations for entrepreneurs and has been a speaker and panelist at various educational seminars. She enjoys playing an active role in her local community.


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