Family Adoptions: The How & When; DivorceMate Advanced Features |

Family Adoptions: The How and When; DivorceMate Advanced Features

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Substantive: 0.5
40 minutes
Christine Montgomery
Alison Southern
County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA)
40 minutes
$99.00 plus tax
33rd Annual Institute of Family Law
Includes Handouts

Alison Southern discusses family adoptions, and Christine Montgomery gives an advanced overview of DivorceMate features. 


Christine Montgomery

Christine Montgomery obtained her Bachelor of Laws in 1990 from the University of Toronto, and was called to the Bar in 1992. Initially practicing civil and commercial litigation, Christine ultimately left to pursue an exclusive family law practice. In January of 2005, Christine joined DivorceMate Software Inc. as a consultant, initially assigned the specific task of interpreting the then newly released Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (the “SSAG”) and assisting in the development of the SSAG calculator. Since that time, Christine has been involved in numerous ongoing family law projects at DivorceMate, including assisting in the development of the “Tools One” software and recently the new DM Cloud product line, drafting and maintaining various precedents in the “Precedents One” software, conducting training sessions, writing articles pertaining to the software and new developments in family law, and presenting at numerous legal forums.

Alison Southern

Alison Southern is counsel at Fresh Legal, practicing primarily in Ottawa but offering services throughout Ontario. While she enjoys her litigation practice and assisting her clients through their separations, Alison is particularly honoured to assist people with some of the happiest occasions in their lives, such as adding to their family through assisted reproduction, adoption, or declarations of parentage, moving in with a partner, and getting married. Outside of work, Alison enjoys reading, gardening, traveling, and spending time with her husband Scott, toddler Charlotte, and dog Persephone.

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