Empowering Family Law Practice with AI: Balancing Efficiency, Ethics, & Client Empowerment | CPDonline.ca

Empowering Family Law Practice with AI: Balancing Efficiency, Ethics, and Client Empowerment

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Professionalism (Ethics, etc.): 0.5
30 minutes
Rachelle Laforge
County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA)
30 minutes
$99.00 plus tax
33rd Annual Institute of Family Law

Rachelle Laforge discusses how to empower the Family Law practice with artificial intelligence (AI) while balancing efficiency, ethics, and client empowerment. AI is changing the practice of law and while most of us are reticent, we need to be up to date on the evolution of technology in our legal practices. Rachelle Laforge is passionate about AI and will be speaking on the benefits of AI in our practice. This presentation will touch upon the following professional responsibilities, client service and practice management which include: 

1.6 Duties related to advocacy (not to abuse the process, mislead the tribunal) 

1.15 Required conduct of lawyers arising from statue and legislation 

2.12 Managing client expectations related to fees and disbursements 

3.17 Technology in a legal service practice.



Rachelle Laforge

Rachelle Laforge is an entrepreneur turned lawyer with degrees in both civil law and common law. Her experience in family law litigation and mediation means that she understands the complexities and emotions involved with tough family issues. Rachelle believes knowledge is power and is deeply passionate about education and action. Rachelle teaches the family law module of the Law Practice Program at the University of Ottawa. She works tirelessly (enjoys a good brainstorming session) to find solutions and believes that anything is possible.