Conscientious Contracting: An Update on the Duty of Good Faith; Degrees of Disturbance: Proving Mental Injury |

Conscientious Contracting: An Update on the Duty of Good Faith; Degrees of Disturbance: Proving Mental Injury

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Substantive: 0.5
30 minutes
Rachel Law
Alyssa Tomkins
County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA)
30 minutes
$139.00 plus tax
2023 Civil Litigation Updated Conference
Includes Handouts

Alyssa Tomkins presents Conscientious Contracting: An Update on the Duty of Good Faith and Rachel Law presents Degrees of Disturbance: Proving Mental Injury


Rachel Law


Alyssa Tomkins

Alyssa Tomkins has a broad-ranging litigation practice in both official languages, including corporate and commercial litigation, bankruptcy and insolvency, administrative/constitutional law and construction, including procurement and the law of tender. Prior to joining Caza Saikaley, Alyssa clerked for the Honourable Michel Bastarache at the Supreme Court of Canada and worked for several years at a national firm. Alyssa is the co-chair of the County of Carleton Law Association Technology Committee and co-chaired a conference on the use of technology in litigation. She is a regular volunteer at Pro Bono Law Help Ontario and has acted on numerous pro bono matters in the area of human rights. She is also the volunteer coach of the University of Ottawa’s Laskin Moot team (constitutional and administrative law). When Alyssa is away from the office, she is an avid soccer and hockey player, skis and is attempting to learn to snowboard. She also loves music of all kinds and can be convinced to play the trumpet.

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